A Complete Guide To Different Types of Bass Fish

Different Types of Bass Fish

You can find different types of bass fish in our waters. Bass is known to be one of the best type of fishes to fish. It is exciting to see some bass coming your way, and it is even more exciting to be able to enjoy its awesome taste. It’s true that you can find bass in a lot of places, like ponds, rivers, and streams. Fishing for bass can be associated with either scenarios like early mornings on the lake or tournament-style competitions, or with deep water and coastal angling with crankbaits. There are many different types of bass. Let’s get to know the most popular out of them!

Largemouth bass

Largemouth bass is known to have a black or dark stripe that runs laterally across its entire body. Also, its mouth extends past its eye when open. They have thick bodies and their color can be green, off-white or brown. In general they seem a little lackluster in their appearance. However, that isn’t important since they make up for it. They have great taste, making them a favorite among anglers whose flavor profile sets them near the top of the food chain with any seafood cuisine.

When trying to find some largemouth bass, remember that they seem to prefer slower-moving water, with warmer temperatures and lots of structure. They can often be found in places with clay or mud bottoms and lots of vegetation.

largemouth bass - Types of Bass
Photo by michal dziekonski on Unsplash

When it comes to their food, largemouth bass are types of bass that like to eat thing like fish, tiny birds, and insects. However, they sometimes end up ignoring some of the most compelling lure if they’ve seen it before. The largemouth bass is a fantastic game fish and wily opponent. However, anglers sometimes underestimate its intelligence and skills.

Smallmouth bass

Smallmouth bass are equally excellent types of bass. It may not be as popular as the largemouth one, however that doesn’t mean it’s not worthy. This type of bass is cunning and crafty, and it likes to have a “fight mode on” kind of attitude.

Largemouth and smallmouth bass have some significant differences. They’re mostly about size, habitat and some other things.

By Engbretson Eric, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

More specifically, smallmouth is often shorter and thinner than largemouth. Other than that, its mouth can extend near the eye but not past it like largemouth bass. There are also differences about their fins since smallmouth has one solid dorsal fin, while largemouth has a split one. Another characteristic is that smallmouth also has vertical stripes along their body.

These two species can often be found in similar habitats. These two species will often be found together, but usually, one is more prevalent than the other. Both largemouth and smallmouth can thrive in ponds, rivers, and canals. However, as opposed to largemouth, smallmouth bass prefers stronger currents and lower temperatures with sandy or stony bottoms.

Spotted bass

Also known as spotty or Kentucky bass. Spotted bass gets mistaken for largemouth bass very often because of their similarities when it comes to their appearance. Its color can anywhere from light green to light brown. The main traits that make them stand out from other similar types of bass are the spots that it has along its stomach, as well as a solid dorsal fin.

Another thing that spotted bass do different than other bass fish is that when hooked they choose to dive deep instead of running to the surface. This type of bass can be found mainly in the southeastern parts of the United States.

These three types of bass that we just explained are all considered to be part of the subset of Black Bass. There are many more types of bass that don’t belong to the family of black bass. Let’s take a look at some of the most well-known!

Striped bass

Striped bass is very sought after, especially in North America! They are aggressive, powerful, and prominent. They live in salt water, and they also like to migrate inland in order to reproduce. Striped bass or, as it is also known, stout fish is characterized by the horizontal stripes that they have on both sides. Specifically, there are seven or eight stripes on each side. They can be considered colorful, since they come in shades of black, blue, olive, or green. Lastly, they also have an iridescent underside.

Photo by Raver Duane, USFWS on Pixnio

White bass

This type of bass fish is also known as the freshwater relative of the striped bass. They are not as aggressive or as cunning as the other types. That means they are relatively easy to catch, making them the perfect choice for a new or unexperienced angler. They prefer the water of lakes and reservoirs and they also seem to enjoy the deeper parts of these waters, since they tend to swim more than 10 feet deep.

They move in schools, so catching one most likely means you found even more of them at once. When it comes to what color they have, it is mainly a silver-white to pale green. White bass also have a dark back and light underbelly and sides. Lateral stripes run their length, similar to largemouth bass.

Photo by Raver Duane, USFWS on Pixnio

Yellow bass

Yellow bass is the smallest of the different types. They don’t put up a fight when hooked, so they are considered an easy catch. Since they weigh around or a little bit over a pound, this is the perfect pass for novice fishers and children looking to get into angling. They are mostly fished for their amazing taste, as opposed to other types of bass who get fished for the thrills of it, since they are good fighters.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that they are not nearly as overfished as their cousins. That means they make an excellent choice for those who are concerned about negatively impacting the environment, but also want to put a hearty meal on the table. they have a yellow belly and lateral stripes along it. Another interesting fact about their looks is that their dorsal fins are separated into two.

Black Sea bass

Sea bass is a term that refers to bass that is not actually bass, but is prevalent and has particular habitat requirements to earn this name. This fish belongs to the genus grouper and it is not related to the white bass or European sea bass. Also, it could be found from Texas to Maine, hanging around peers and reefs. Black sea bass are caught primarily for their unique flavor.

However, they are known to put up quite a fight no matter what tackle is used, so sometimes they are caught for the thrills of it too! Its body is oblong and compressed. They come in shades of grey, from dusky to smoky, and their color gets the darkest near the dorsal fin, while it also fades towards its underbelly. Black sea bass also have longitudinal stripes along their bodies.

Peacock bass

Peacock bass are related to tilapia and they bring to bear ferocities in the water matched by any fish their size. This type of bass consumes pretty much anything they can bite into and they are ravenous. They are also known to be incredibly colorful and easily recognizable. They sport stripes or spots, they are gold-rimmed, and they have a bright tail resembling a peacock. Their color can be green, orange, blue, gold, red or yellow. They live mostly around South America, North America, Asia, and some places in Australia.

Bass are known for their nice flavors and their high quality. These aren’t their only virtues, as people seem to enjoy the process of catching them as much as the process of coking them and eating them. This list provides you with knowledge about the most common and known types of bass. Knowing which species may be in your area and what their habitat preferences and food preferences are, you have better chances of catching that bass.

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